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Client Testimonials

What Clients Have Said:

Ness Church

Just over a year ago I joined Forever Health Studios on Kempston after a recommendation from a good friend. It was the best decision I've ever made. 


I have been overweight for over ten years topping 17 stone at my heaviest. I had been diagnosed with severe arthritis in both knees and being overweight wasn't helping. I was wearing horrible bulky knee braces that really didn't help. I've also been on medication for high blood pressure since 2005. My gut health was also very poor.


The scariest bit for me was walking into the gym the first day. I was incredibly nervous. However everyone was very friendly and welcoming.

I started out slowly - working my way through different programs on the machines - always being fully guided in their use.


I then decided to try the bike. I was very wary as my knees were still very painful. However with gentle encouragement from Tish I started to use the bike more and more. I gradually increased my time, resistance and distance till I reached 10km in one session. Even better - after several weeks I completed the gyms 220km challenge. What a buzz - I felt a sense of incredible achiievement and I was really proud of myself. My knees by this time were greatly improved and was roughly 90% pain free. This meant I no longer needed the knee braces and found I was walking further. I was also told by the doctor I could come off the blood pressure tablets.


I then went a stage further and booked some one to one sessions with Grant. His knowledge of biometrics, nutrition and mental health is phenomenal. With his guidance I started some gentle exercises to improve my gait, posture and mobility. He got my hips rotating properly, and my legs to an equal length. After a few sessions I really began to feel my body reacting positively to my hard work and persistence. I also took on Grants nutritional advice and changed my diet and started fasting.

To date this has helped me lose nearly 3 stone (18.3 kilos). More to go but I will make it happen.

It hasn't always been an easy journey but Grant, Steve and Tish have given me a huge amount of support, praising me all the time and being there when it's all got a bit overwhelming.


In just over a year I have gone from being overweight, in pain and unhappy to being someone who is very proud at what I've achieved so far. My confidence has come back by the bucket load. I can walk further with my dog. I climbed a fell (and made it back down again) in the Lake District. I can walk up the stairs without using the banister - (coming back down is a work in progress). I finally got into a pair of size 14 shorts - never dreamed I'd do that again! I am in a much better place mentally and I am really enjoying life again.


I am incredibly proud to be part of the FHS family. Everyone is so important to me. I am looking forward to continuing my journey.


Ness x

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Sheila Sampson

“Joining Forever Health Studios was one of the best decisions
I have made in a long time. It is tailored to individual needs to
improve strength, health and well-being whatever your age or
ability. There is always someone there to help and advise you
when needed and Grant and Steve’s knowledge is second to
none. It’s small and friendly and unlike other gyms is in no
way intimidating. The steps they have taken during this
pandemic to make it one of the safest places to improve both

physical and mental health. 
Come on give it a go!”

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Fred Stevens 

I have been attending Forever Health Studios since it
opened in Feb 2019. Being overweight and having a lower back problem, I was

very cautious of what exercise I could do safely.

When signing up for the getting back to being healthy I was given a one to one
interview and was assessed. I was asked if I had any health problems which I
answered and explained what they were and then gave the details of medication

I was on.

I was then shown the equipment and set up for each piece of equipment. The
best feature is the wrist band, when you log on to each apparatus you are set up
with the seat height and weights. I then started my long journey into getting fit
and in this time I have lost weight and been able to gain more movement in my

lower back and legs.

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Dawn Angel

“I joined Forever Health Studios as I have health conditions that make
exercising virtually impossible. Even Physio had failed for me. When I found
Forever Heath Studios I was welcomed and given an individual program using
weight machines that were calibrated for me personally. Using the machines
was easy and there was help if needed. The programs on the machines are fun to
use and update with new programmes automatically when needed, but can be
set personally if needed too. The staff are friendly and welcoming, more like a
family; and have been extremely supportive of the challenges I face with my
health conditions. I look forward to sessions at the gym and with their help am

able to keep my physical fitness constant.”


Helping Hand

Contact Number: 07591 137184

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